Festive Deal #2 - Fall/Halloween
Thursday, December 3rd at 12am PST
Sunday, December 6th at 11:59pm PST
20% off Fall/Halloween*
*Discount will be taken off in the online cart
50% off My Mind's Eye Baking/Treat Cups*
*Online store prices reflect discount, limited supplies available
Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for all of your support last week for our first Festive Deal and Small Business Saturday. We will be showcasing different deals each weekend until Christmas. We are excited to announce our next Festive Deal, starting this Thursday, Deal #2 is 20% off Fall/Halloween. We also added My Mind's Eye Baking/Treat Cups for 1/2 off! On the website, Fall/Halloween can be found under Shop - By Theme - Fall or Halloween. The baking/treat cups can be found under Shop - Essentials - Embellishments. See the pics shown below for just a few sneak peeks of the items on sale this weekend. Check out our online store for the rest!
*NEW* Custom TM Kits featuring the Doodlebug 'Night Before Christmas' collection are here and Molly has outdone herself! She created three NEW 12x12 Two-Page Layouts with this amazing collection! On the website, layout kits can be found under Shop - Custom TM Kits.
*Stay tuned for Beth's new 12 x 12 Two-Page Layout using Photo Play's new Winter Memories Collection! It will be ready next week and just in time for the winter weather coming or already here depending on where you live!
Exciting News!!! We added a Gift card for TM on the Go! Online Store. For those in your life that don't know what to get you, now they do... a TM Gift Card!
Again, all of us here at TM wish you the best of health. We miss everyone!
Virtual hugs to all,
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